Print making workshop with Joshua Watts
Recently I took part in a printmaking workshop at Tashkeel. Josh is an inspiring leader and I would love to take part in many more workshops under his guidance. I met many amazing people who are now friends. :) We laughed and created.... an inspiring and great environment to work in.... :D
Process of 'To the Moon'
'To the Moon' is the title I gave this piece. These pictures show the process. It took about two weeks to complete, and at the end of it I was completely exhausted. My arms hurt me so much from rubbing the individual pieces onto the wood - but after all that indeed, it was a labour of love. I worked on the floor....I clearly remember how one of the members was shocked at how daring I was when I sat on the wood and worked...and drank my coffee...and walked if it were a carpet. I didn't see that as being daring at all - yet to others it was and that really made me think. It's amazing what you can learn about yourself from others.....
Made in Tashkeel Exhibition
Made in Tashkeel was a big success for me as I shared a space with many amazing artists. The feedback I recieved was very good, so many waiting to see some more. Many wondered why it wasn't for sale. I'm hoping to further expand this series and continue experimenting with different mediums... It was an unpredictable journey for me as my work stared as a project for university, and then working on it in a workshop, and lastly ending up in an exhibition. I started on it not knowing how I will use the technique of photo trasfer to create this, but through the process I learnt. I had a big picture of how it would look like but the creation of it was itself a discovery. I had so much fun creating it....I cannot wait until I start on the next project...
Other works done in workshop
These are two other pieces I completed during the workshop. The first is a screenprint on paper of a photograph I've taken. The detail was amazing and I just loved the way the bird turned out! I would love to try some more screen printing and perhaps design a few T-shirts. The second picture is a trace I've done while drawing the face straight onto the sheet (free-hand). I love doing this because the results are always inetersting...expecially faces! :)
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