
Masjd Al Aqsa

I don’t like to work in order when I start a project. I like to dive into things and choose what I feel like doing. Perhaps what I find easier I do first. The satisfaction gained from the previous illustration will move to the next one as I progress, I hope, and the journey will only be so beautiful and rewarding.

“How long does it take you to paint?” The author of this book asked me when I met her on Tuesday. How long is a piece of string I ask? It can take anything from a few minutes to a whole lifetime to paint a painting. (I must paint if I want to be at peace with myself) Regarding this project, I have a time limit and must get busy! The problem is I get so engaged with what I do that I forget about time…

Masjd al Aqsa is next. I have decided to work on a double page rather than one. This is just a start as there will be other layers on top. I am using acrylics at the moment, oil paint would take ages to dry. . . .

Will update soon.

“Paint a rainbow inside of you, paint a rainbow, let your smile shine through. When it's cold and gray, push the clouds away, paint a rainbow in your heart.”

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